Suggested Applications

Suggested Applications

ApplicationThread 1Thread 2Thread 3Thread 4Comments
Automotive & Car TrimmingsSomaBondFilan®C F Polyester
Bedding (Duvet & Quilt)Perma Core®Cocoon bobbins and Bulk Polyester also available
Bulk ContainersC F PolyesterC F PolypropyleneSomaBond
CanvasPolyCotton GlaceSomaBondLinen
Caps and HatsPerma Core®PolyCotton GlaceWildcat®
Carpets + Carpet PatternsLinenC F PolyesterSomaBond
Casual ClothingPerma Core®D-Core®Wildcat®
Childrens' ClothingPerma Core®Perma Spun®D-Core®Wildcat®
Continuous beltsLinen
CoversPolyCotton Glace
Dresses and SkirtsPerma Core®Perma Spun®D-Core®Wildcat®
EquestrianSomaBondPolyCotton GlaceLinenPerma Core®
FiltrationC F PolyesterC F PolypropyleneC F NylonNomex® and Kevlar®
Flexible PackagingC F PolyesterC F PolypropyleneSomaBond
FurnishingsPerma Core®Perma Spun®Filan®
GarmentsPerma Core®Perma Spun®Wildcat®
General SewingPerma Core®Perma Spun®SomaBondWildcat®
GeotextilesFilan®C F Polyester
HandbagsSomaBondLinenPolyCotton Glace
JeansD-Core®Perma Core®
Leather Goods (Various)SomaBondPolyCotton GlaceLinenFilan®
LingeriePerma Core®Perma Spun®Wildcat®
Load RestraintsC F Polyester
LuggageSomaBondPolyCotton GlaceFilan®Linen
MattressPerma Core®SomaBondLinenC F PolyesterCocoon bobbins and Bulk Polyester also available
Multi-needle QuiltingC F PolyesterCocoon bobbins and Bulk Polyester also available
Outdoor ProductsSomaBondFilan®Sunfast
Outerwear- JacketsPerma Core®Perma Spun®D-Core®Wildcat®
ParachutesSomaBondC F PolyesterLinen
Pipe ConstructionC F Polyester
Polishing DiscsLinen
Pool and Snooker cue whippingLinen
Post mortem and EmbalmingLinen
Protective ApparelAnesafe®Perma Core®Filan®
Shoes & FootwearSomaBondFilan®PolyCotton GlacePre-wound bobbins also available
Speciality IndustrialC F PolyesterAnesafe®Kevlar®PTFE Coated Fibreglass also available
SwimwearPerma Core®Wildcat®
Tie DownsFilan®
Upholstery (Leather)SomaBondPolyCotton GlacePolypropylenePerma Core®
Upholstery (Fabric)Perma Core®
Web SlingsC F Polyester
Wigs and PiecesLinen